Mary was clearing out the spare bedroom; she picked up an old saggy forlorn large cushion putting it in the pile to go to the local tip.

Just then her daughter Sarah came into the room ‘What are you doing Mum? you can’t get rid of that, I loved that as I was growing up, I used to curl up on it with my favourite book and lie back and dream, even shedding a few tears at times, it was like a faithful friend’

Sarah grabbed the cushion and rushed out of the room before her mother could stop her.

Once she got home with her bedraggled friend, Sarah set to work, unpicking, measuring and planning how to renovate her favourite cushion.

The next morning she set off to the local market and selected her materials; brightly coloured fabrics and plenty of stuffing.

After lunch Sarah got out her old trusty sewing machine and started by making a new inner lining for the stuffing and then went on to repair the outer fabric, replacing the worn sections with various shaped brightly coloured patches.

When the cushion was finally assembled Sarah stood back to admire her efforts and then threw it on the floor and promptly sank back into its comforting folds, picked up her latest book and smiled contentedly, happy with her restored perfectly puffy cushion.

Written by Margaret Yeo

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